Sunday, October 16, 2005

Rainy Sunday

Yesterday my wife preached for the first time at our tertiary service. She came home glad that she could minister here.

This morning Jeff Lim gave a touching testimony. I spoke on ransom money for soul redemption. It was great to pray with a dad and a daugher who came the first time and committed their lives to Christ. Then we headed home to rest. It rained heavily and the slip road off Tampines Expressway to Punggol was flooded so I drove carefully. This was the first time this happened and a car actually got stuck at the flood waters. The kids were excited. It's not everyday kids in our city get to see a real flood. The entrance to the multi-story carpark was also flooded. This has happened before but I still had to tread carefully. As we entered, the entire basement carpark was flooded and the first floor carpark was being flooded. We parked on the next level.

As we got on the lift, the kids said "Thank God we live on the 15th floor. God please protect mom and the people of Punggol." (Dinah was out for an appointment.) I love these kids.

Later we drove to evening service. The waters had subsided. Or I would have had to use a boat to go preach. It was a good worship service. It was even better to pray with six persons who made first time commitments to Christ. As I went down to wait for my wife, I saw some members having dinner. I said hello. They are school teachers celebrating two birthdays. Their story of friendship encouraged me. They come from our Saturday and Sunday worship services but studied together in the National Institute of Education over 2 years ago. They keep in touch regularly.

Then my wife called. I bade good bye to the 7 friends. Off I went home for dinner. This ended a very fulfilling day indeed. I hope the cool weather stays.


Jonathan Chua said...

Hi pastor Ben,
Wanna ask is Fat a sin? Bible says that muz take care of the temple of God and thats our physical form. Hmmmm, big size ppl normally have high blood, weak stamina, weak heart and etc.. that's what i don quite understand. =)

draco_malfoy!!!! said...

hip hop rulz! :

I'd think being fat in itself is not a sin. Like you said, it's a physical form. However, we can glorify God as well as do good to ourselves by keeping our diet in check and exercise on a regular basis (e.g. Pastor Ben's swimming routine ^_^). This is, in its own, a discipline, and having a regime will only train us in our walk with God. Being healthy enables us to be adequately fit to conduct our lives, sufficiently healthy to serve the Lord and our bros/sis-es to our optimal capacity, and mentally fit to pray and share testimonies with fellow believers and non-believers.

Taking care of the temple of God would involve other concerns too, such as abstinence from sexual immorality and other health-endangering vices. Perhaps Pastor Ben can explain better. :P

ben kc lee said...

Hi hip hope rulez, the Bible does not say that obesity is a sin.

Sometimes it does feel that way. One reason is because today we are much more aware of research on healthy and unhealthy lifestyles.

Another reason is that we live in an appearance-obsessed society. Many are obssessed with trying to look like the extremely fit people gracing magazine covers.

Also it is unfortunate obesity is a stigmatised condition. Many view obesity as a condition asociated with a lack of will power and gluttony. (Overindulgence is acceptable if you're thin?) So obese people feel rejected.

Truth is some are overweight because of thyroid or other medical conditions. Some may have low metabolic rates. It is also true some are overweight because of overeating and/or inactivity.

The Bible encourages moderation in appetite and a strong work ethic. It cautions us against gluttony (Prov 23:2). My advice is to choose delayed over instant gratification.

Our family enjoy our food and my wife ensures it's mostly healthy food. We enjoy an active lifestyle - spelt 'ministry'. We train our bodies in exercise several times a week.

Yes our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. You are right that when one is healthy and has strong stamina, we can live longer and healthier to serve with zest and vitality. Healthy living is worth it. Try it.

Jonathan Chua said...

thxs for the enlightenment.. =)