Our twins started school at Polytechnic. One day I joined them for lunch on campus. In the midst of this change, our family were blessed by Ron Sawka's seminar. We also had ministry time with Janet Buchanan.
We rejoiced with our niece who graduated from med school and our nephew who celebrated his 21st. Dinah and I experienced our first Filipino wedding with Jon Marc and Sonjel. So fun. I had a belated birthday lunch with Jeff, Jo, Daniel and Hong Teck.
We rejoiced with our niece who graduated from med school and our nephew who celebrated his 21st. Dinah and I experienced our first Filipino wedding with Jon Marc and Sonjel. So fun. I had a belated birthday lunch with Jeff, Jo, Daniel and Hong Teck.
After not having met for over 20 years, I was so happy to catch up with Rita and meet her husband Gideon. It was also a blessing as a new friend introduced us to Curtis Hemphill from Atlanta.
Days are getting hotter. Importantly, my visa application has been submitted in April.