February was quite a good month. Looking back, there were 5 memorable moments.
The first was that I had to travel for only one overseas trip. The best part about this was that this was a day trip :)
The second was the story of our car. It has served us well for quite a few years. In February, it found itself needing a bit of care and some repair work. Shortly after our car episode came the story of Jeremy Lin. I found myself drawn to and inspired by his sheer humility and his unashamed testimony. Must have followed the Linsanity story daily for at least two weeks straight.
The ultimate highlight of the month was my daughter. She is not even 16 and she went for her first date. There was a buzz in our family leading up to her special day. Valentine's day weekend finally arrived. It was just amazing. Here is my memoirs of this perfect day http://focusonthefamilysg.wordpress.com/2012/02/15/date-with-dad/
Yes, there were some hot and steaming days but we won't go into that. Then the 29th itself was special. The world is not going to experience this date again for another 4 years. The day was also special in that I bought a guitar for my son. My son and his guitar will be a future story... All in all, Feb was a good month. And I am going to remember Valentine's Day in 2012 for years to come.